in September, KIST just had graduation last week. I have no idea why.
I went, but since first class of math students graduates next year I
didn't know anybody. This is me in my gown.
Ok, here's a better picture of me.
I was tempted to steal the gown - the red would be nice at Cornell
graduations. Mom, dad, unfortunately those lessons about stealing
being wrong ended up sticking, so I don't have a nice gown.
This is your fault.
They had the Kigali police band
and a student dance troupe as well.
So I have not really had much time to do anything too exciting
recently. I give my final in a couple days. After that I go back
to Butare to give a lecture at the National University and then
I'll travel some in the south. Then I get back for the first day
of the National Week of Mourning marking the beginning of the
genocide. There is no school that week. Things slow down quite
a bit in town. Then I go to Uganda for a week, mostly to be a
tourist but I'll be giving a lecture a day for a week or so. For
those of you who are profs, if you want to come to East Africa
at your own expense and lecture, contact Teach and Tour Sojourners
(TATS). They'll arrange for it. Every Cornell prof got an email
from them a month or two ago, and since I was already here I figured
I may as well do it.
Hopefully I'll have more interesting things to post after these