Kamal (a grad school buddy) and give a talk at the American
University in Beirut. The campus is stunning, maybe nicer than
Cornell's. Kamal's office overlooks the Mediterranean. Mostly
I hung out with Kamal and talked math. I did visit Byblos, a place
where people ave lived for 7000 years. The pictures below are
from there.
We stopped at a seaside restaurant as well.
After 6 days there I went to Ethiopia. I spent two days in Addis
Ababa, then spent a day in Gonder and a day in Lalibela. Both towns
are a few hundred kilometers north of Addis. There are some beautiful
old palaces from the 1600s in Gonder. In Ethiopia there are guides
everywhere. The guide in Gonder took me to a church as well and invited
me to an English class he taught in the evening. We ended up coteaching it.
It was a lot of fun. First time I taught English!
Lalibela is amazing. About 800 years ago they carved, in the solid
mountain, 11 churches underground. All in 23 years. The place is up
in the Simien mountains at 9000 feet.
Anyways, in between the trips to Gonder and Lalibela and
flying back to the US that was 5 days in a row on airplanes.
The whole term was a great time, and I am done with posting, at
least til my next trip to Rwanda. Anybody who wants to see more
pictures should swing by my office. I have over a thousand.